The python code generates the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter coefficients for a lowpass filter (LPF) at 10 (Hz) cut off using firwin from scipy. A highpass filter is then created by subtracting the lowpass filter output(s) from the output of an allpass filter. To do this the coefficients of the LPF are multiplied by -1 and 1 added to the centre tap (to create the allpass filter with subtraction). A second LPF is then created with a cutoff at 15 (Hz) and the bandpass filter formed by addition of the LPF and HPF coefficients. The program also generates a test sine wave of a given amplitude and power and to this noise from a Normal distribution is added. The graph below shows the signal and nois, and the signal (green) after filtering. The input snr is approximately 3dB. The frequency response below shows the passband centered on 12.5 (Hz), the Nyquist frequency is 50 (Hz). from numpy import cos, sin, pi, absolute, arange from numpy.random import normal fr...