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Topband Vertical Antenna

It's not a great vertical by any standards, but on the plus side, its cheap, fits in a small garden, could be considered a temporary structure, is dual band by just removing the bottom loading coil and capacitor and.... just add more pwr for more erp. The total height is 43 ft - 10m fishing pole up 3 m off the ground, attached to a 27ft ex - army telescopic mast. Centre loading coil is just above the main mast at about 30 ft - 110 turns of 2.5mm square wire on a piece of waste pipe. This matches the antenna without further components at the CW end of 80m. The addition of a further series loading coil and 1000 pf cap at the base matches it on 160m. Currently with just 4 radials the match is 1:1.4 between 1820kHz and 1840kHz - best DX to date is eastern US with CW and 400W.


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